Daily Reflections
“What profit has man from all the labor which he toils at under the sun?” In today’s readings, this verse really stood out to me. What do people really gain from all the hard work they do here on earth? It doesn’t matter if you’re a fool or if you’re…
Read MoreJesus’s words to us in today’s short Gospel are rather startling, as they must have been to the throng gathered around the Master that day. Jesus had been travelling from town to town, proclaiming the Good News of the kingdom of God. Earlier in chapter eight, Luke tells us that…
Read MoreWhile reflecting on today’s readings, I was drawn to the theme of light. The Collect before the Gospel reads: Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father. (MT 5:16) Our goal in life then is clear: see, sow, and do…
Read MoreLife in general has shown that we are all administrators in one way or the other; of our lives, talents, and the goods bequeathed to us by God. But sometimes, we can cheat and manipulate others around us in the way we live our lives. In our personal vocabulary, the…
Read MoreI am not a farmer. I don’t know farming. It is not something that I am even especially attracted to. I have very little experience with seeds and planting and watering. My limited experience comes from my childhood. As a young kid, my mom had the idea of starting a…
Read MoreEach morning when I am in prayer, I ask Jesus to accompany me as I go about my day. I often visualize some key items on my agenda, whether it is a meeting I will attend or a task I must accomplish, and I ask Him to walk with me…
Read MoreDear brothers and sisters, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). Mary, A true disciple of Jesus Christ Today, the Church celebrates the Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows. This feast grew in popularity in the 12th Century, even…
Read MoreA Savior Greater Than Moses Moses had, at God’s command, led Israel out of slavery in Egypt. When the people rebelled in the desert, they were punished by fiery serpents that bit them with poisonous venom. Moses intervened on their behalf, making a bronze image of a serpent, placed on…
Read MoreOften in the Gospel Jesus performed miracles (signs) as a response to people’s faith. Jesus saw the faith of the men carrying the paralytic and said to him: “Son your sins are forgiven”, (cf. Mark 2: 5). To the woman who had been sick for 12 years Jesus said: “Daughter,…
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