Daily Reflections
Christian Joys We returned this morning from an 8-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land. We are still processing all of our experiences from Nazareth to Jerusalem, from the Annunciation to the Resurrection but in reflecting on today’s readings a few thoughts came to mind. As I visited sites of Christ’s…
Read MoreNow I see the hope of my young and grieving heart fulfilled in the vision before my eyes. In those days of grief, I had felt the Lord’s prayer, coming from his beating heart straight to the heart of the Father. When I lay with my head against that sorrowing…
Read MoreThe Way of the Lord Joy emanates from today’s readings. A man named Apollos comes to Ephesus and begins to speak about Jesus. He is on target but lacks complete understanding of Jesus as the Way. Paul’s disciples, Priscilla and Aquila, apply a gentle and tactful corrective. Apollos obviously accepts…
Read MoreThe man who lost his wife is afraid of loneliness. The woman that just survived a heart attack does not want to look into the future with hope. The young boy that graduated from college is depressed because of momentary inability to secure a job. The 18-year-old girl is afraid…
Read MoreWhat a glorious day to celebrate today, being the Solemnity of the Feast of the Ascension!! Can you believe, it’s already 40 days since Easter?! Some parishes may celebrate this Feast on the following Sunday. After the Resurrection, Jesus was busy appearing to the Apostles in different locations, explaining the…
Read MoreThe thirst for God’s presence in daily living inclines people to fashion idols which they can see, touch, and manipulate as they wish. The author of the Acts of the Apostles ridicules this attitude in the first reading of today. Acts 17:15,22-18:1 reaffirms God’s abiding presence in creation and His…
Read MoreJesus’ Love Letter John chapters 14-17 is one of my favorite parts of the Gospels to read. I think of it as Our Lord’s love letter to us. These were the last recorded words with his apostles before his Passion. They reveal his heart to us. He knew what was…
Read MoreMy dear friends, the first reading today is very inspiring. It demonstrates the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the people after the resurrection of Christ that ensued the missionary activities of the disciples. At the end of the first missionary journey and prior to the verses…
Read MorePeace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. As I am blessed to write today’s reflection, one word stood out to me. The word is “peace.” Peace is something that we ask for in our prayers,…
Read MoreWhat is the Joyful Message of Easter? The joyful message of Easter is captured by today’s psalm antiphon: “Let all the earth cry out to God with joy,” (Ps 100). The Easter Season will end soon but its effects should remain embedded in our daily attitudes and prayer. Having lived…
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