Daily Reflections
A 60-year-old man has died and arriving at heaven‘s gate. St. Peter interviewed him “Have you ever loved a woman?“ He said “No, not even a single one“. “Did you have special friends?“ “No“, the man replied. “How about your parents, brothers and sisters?“ “I lost my parents as a…
Read MoreLet me begin this reflection by asking myself: · How do I approach daily prayer? · What is the content of my prayer? · What is the disposition of my heart? · Is it routine? A task on my schedule? · Or is it love? Let me be honest with…
Read MoreLife presents many options and difficult moments. In our individual and collective experiences of living, we often encounter difficult situations and near impossible options and tasks. Mary of Nazareth finds herself in such a situation as the Angel Gabriel brings a difficult divine proposal to her. Today, the Church celebrates…
Read MoreMy dear friends, the readings today are very inspiring. Moses in the first reading instructs the people of Israel to observe the laws and commandments of God. He assured them that the observance of the laws would give them life and the strength to enter and take possession of the…
Read MoreA few Lenten seasons ago, our church handed out a book by Allen Hunt called, “Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody.” I remembered staring at the teal blue book on my shelf for a long time, afraid to open it because I knew it would call out the inner grudge-holder in…
Read MoreMany times, in his letters, Saint Paul refers to the struggle between the spirit and the flesh, Gal 5: 24-25 is one of them: “Now those who belong to Christ [Jesus] have crucified their flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also follow…
Read MoreAs Lent rolls on, I pray that your plans for additional prayer, fasting and almsgiving are holding together. Opportunities to practice those three activities seem to arise rapidly these days. Even if we have fallen flat, or back tracked, when we should be moving forward, all is not lost. The…
Read MoreToday’s readings present three patriarchs of the faith to us: Abraham, David, and Joseph. And to each, God makes and fulfills His promises in ways that are marvelous, mysterious, and almighty. In fact, God makes more than promises, he forges covenants. It requires swearing an oath that each side would…
Read MoreTwo interventions from two of Joseph’s brothers strike a special chord in my heart while reflecting on today’s first reading which tells the story of Joseph and his brothers. When Reuben heard this, he tried to save him from their hands, saying, “We must not take his life. Instead of…
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