Daily Reflections
Social life today is like a fast-moving train. There is a mad rush for almost everything. This has made contemporary life too competitive and very difficult as people struggle to succeed at all costs. Yet the old adage remains valid: slow and steady wins the race. Because we are always…
Read MoreToday’s readings are very direct and to the point. I think the lesson I can take from them is, don’t hold on to things that don’t last. I need to let go of what is passing. Many times, when we are economically stable, we can think like one of the…
Read MoreThe Audience of James My dear friends, the first reading today is very interesting. St James is addressing the Jews, who were known for their commercial abilities and expertise in business and trade. As such, they changed cities and developed the economies of the areas they lived in. To that…
Read MoreToday marks the Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter. Growing up, I thought it was kind of silly that we chose to celebrate a chair! It wasn’t until a priest in college took the time to explain this to his students that I finally understood the true importance and…
Read MoreI would like to start this short reflection with today’s question presented by the Apostle James: Who among you is wise and understanding? The answer follows on the next line: she or he is wise who a) shows works by a good life b) is humble because humility comes from…
Read MoreDavid gives us today a great example of merciful love. King Saul had seen the proverbial “writing on the wall” (see I Sam. 18:5–9; Dan. 5:5–9, 24–28). So even though David would become the king’s son-in-law, marrying his daughter Michal, “Saul saw and knew that the Lord was with David,…
Read MoreToday’s scripture readings warn about the need for taming our tongues, of praying to God to preserve us from an evil generation and ends with the Transfiguration of the Lord. You and I, we are on a pilgrimage up the steep mountain that leads to our final destination. Let us…
Read MoreSt. James in his letter emphasizes the importance of good works as a testament of a good faith (Jas 2: 16ff). That is the theme of our First Reading today. It would almost seem that the words which St. James offers us in this letter of his are in contradiction…
Read MoreThis line in today’s gospel has been resonating with me these past weeks. Next time the day’s pressures trip you into anger, aggression, or sarcasm, imagine Jesus stopping you, gently grasping your arm and saying “But who do you say that I am? (Mark 8:29). Like Peter, do we say…
Read MoreAs Jesus entered the town of Bethsaida, the people brought him a blind man, and what was the very first thing Jesus did? He took this man “by the hand and led him outside the village” (Mk 8:23). Jesus led him outside what is familiar, outside his comfort zone. Jesus…
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