Daily Reflections
In this first half of Lent, we hear in the Mass readings especially about virtue and vice and how we should choose virtue. Today’s first reading shows us a particularly nasty act. In my eyes, it is one of the worst deeds described in the Bible, since it involves the…
Read MoreMany have said that the sweetest sound, in any language, is the sound of one’s own name. A name is an attention-getter. A lost child hearing his name called by his mother, a greeting in an airport or bus station or in a mall, or the cheers of a crowd…all these…
Read MoreThere is one thing that I am certain about. It is that I wish to fly the Catholic flag. It is the one sure path to life in eternity in the presence of my Lord. It is the one true rock that will prevail against the gates of the netherworld…
Read MoreI have heard some people object to the title, “Father” that is addressed to priests because according to them, Jesus commanded us not to call anyone Father. How about our biological fathers? Are we also not supposed to address them as fathers? What about the other titles mentioned by Jesus,…
Read MoreThis reflection is on mercy as a crucial quality of a virtuous life. Let’s begin with you. I mean, you as you are and me as I am. Specifically, you and me as believers, we, as people, granted the grace of faith, people called in love to communion with our…
Read MoreNot too long ago, we started the season of Lent, with the celebration of Ash Wednesday. On that day, the Church invited us to start a forty-day journey of preparation for the celebration of the feast of feasts: Easter! Forty days can be a long time. Along the way we…
Read MoreFamily expresses the love and relationship shared by husband and wife, and their children (if they are blessed with children). It is a love that is rich in patience, forgiveness, care and concern for one another. These characteristics also exist when we refer to the Church as the family of…
Read MoreIn today’s first reading, Prophet Ezekiel exhorts us to stay on the straight and narrow path, following the Lord. Even if we fail and fall into temptation and sin, we can rise up, beg for forgiveness through the sacrament of Reconciliation, and be in God’s graces again. The thought of…
Read MoreA friend narrated how he once rushed a seriously sick man to a nearby general hospital, but upon reaching the hospital he found that the doors were securely closed and sealed. The reason was that the hospital staff was on strike. The sick man would have died if not that…
Read MoreWe see in today’s first reading that God was ready to destroy Ninevah because of the evil that was occurring there. Jonah was called by God to prophesy to the people that the city would be destroyed in 40 days. The people took this prophesy seriously and began to fast and…
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