Daily Reflections
The whole story of Good Friday speaks about loyalty to the truth. Loyalty is not about what happens when things are good, but more about what you do when things get difficult. The call to discipleship is a test of loyalty. We can find this element in the readings today,…
Read MoreThe summit of the Liturgical Year is the Easter Triduum—from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday. The events that led to the salvation of the human race culminated in the Easter Triduum. On Holy Thursday (which is today), the Church celebrates the Last Supper of…
Read MoreThere is a fascinating historical document from the late 4th century. Around 381, a woman from what is now Spain decided to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. She spent about three years in the Holy Land and wrote down what she saw and experienced. Her writing is now known as…
Read MoreI didn’t eat the cookies off the countertop, says the child with crumbs all over his face. I didn’t break the speed limit, says the driver, despite seeing the radar report from the highway patrolman. And, I didn’t spread that rumor about you, despite the “receipts” on the social media…
Read MoreAs I read through the readings for today, I was drawn to the contrast in disposition of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus toward Jesus and that of Judas the Iscariot. Martha was serving a wonderful meal no doubt. Lazarus is enjoying time with our Lord who had just given him new…
Read MorePalm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord As we begin the celebration of the Passion of the Lord, let us reflect on how this beautiful event might bless our relationship with God. Jesus asked His disciples to get Him a donkey (and a colt) tied on the roadside. He…
Read MoreAs we navigate through life, we face many decisions on a daily basis. One of the most important choices is whether we’ll follow divine leading or human leading every step of the way. Are we to allow the Lord to make a dwelling in our hearts, inspiring us “to will…
Read MoreBoth readings present innocent men of God in deep trouble. Jesus is about to be stoned and Jeremiah is surrounded by enemies who want to kill him. The suffering of good and innocent people puzzles many of us. For some people, it is a stumbling block against belief in a…
Read MoreIn today’s Gospel Jesus is addressing a crowd of Jews. Imagine if you were among that crowd and heard Jesus proclaim, “Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever keeps my word will never see death” and “…but it is my Father who glorifies me, of whom you say, ‘He is…
Read MoreThe very stones of the Temple heard his words and we thought that they would tremble and shatter under the impact of them. We were the people responsible for the purity of our Lord’s dwelling place and we glanced at each other fearfully. Why did he dare to say that…
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