Daily Reflections
When the Spirit of God leads one, it is easy for those around them to feel and recognize it. They would always discern and recognize that there is something special and different in the life of the person. That was how it was evident in the ministry and life of…
Read More‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.’ Many people gathered at the lakeside when Jesus spoke of wheat and weeds and the Kingdom of God…
Read MoreIf you’ve ever wondered why—at the Last Supper—Jesus offered his Body and Blood under the forms of bread and wine, today’s First Reading gives us insight: Jesus is a priest according to the order of Melchizedek. Who’s Melchizedek? He’s the ancient high priest who made an offering of bread and…
Read MoreOn the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, we’re presented with a banquet of rich offerings. Let us receive these treasures and allow them to sink into the depths of our soul. For Our God delights in us, even though we may struggle to come to terms with a fact so…
Read MoreToday’s first reading brings me back to childhood. My mother used to remind us children over and over that God sees all. He knows what we are thinking and going to do before we even do it! So, make the right choice she would always remind us. In the same…
Read MoreIt will all happen in His perfect timing. Bleh. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard that throughout our infertility journey. I know that it is well intentioned, and I even say it myself sometimes when I have nothing else to say. But the wounded, distrustful part…
Read MoreI suppose it is a strange title or aspiration: Be like the leper! However, we will see why this leper is someone that serves as a model for all of us. It does not seem desirable to compare ourselves to a leper, upholding him as the standard, but there is…
Read MoreThe Lord Jesus Christ, our healing, redemption, and salvation. Dear brothers and sisters, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). We just ended the Christmas season, which was the celebration of the Nativity or the birth of Our Lord…
Read MoreReflecting on today’s readings, particularly Hebrews 2:5-12, in a world plagued by hatred and pride, reminds me once again that Jesus’ humility and love stand as a profound example for us Christians today. Recognizing Jesus’ willingness to humble Himself, become human, and suffer for humanity’s sake, we are inspired to:…
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